Dr. Bernard Lallemand
Consultant Orthopedic Surgeon, Mediclinic Parkview, Dubai, UAE
Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor at MBRU, Dubai, UAE.
Dr Bernard Lallemand is a consultant orthopaedic surgeon with over 25 years experience in orthopaedic surgery, of which over 19 years have been devoted to hand and upper limb surgery, nerve reconstruction and microsurgery.
After completing his residency in Orthopaedics and Traumatology at the University Hospital of Liège in Belgium in 2005, he joined the European Hand Institute in Luxembourg, where he developed an activity focused on the upper extremity (shoulder, elbow and wrist) and the hand. He was responsible for the organisation of the FESUM-accredited SOS Main Luxembourg, a service offering 24/7 support to patients suffering from hand and upper limb trauma. He was also an active faculty member at the Medical Training Centre, teaching and training many surgeons from around the world in hand and wrist surgery. In 2015, after two years as a visiting surgeon, he decided to move permanently to Aspetar, the orthopaedic and sports medicine hospital accredited as a Federation Internationale de Football Association™ (FIFA) Medical Centre of Excellence by F-MARC® and the International Olympic Committee (IOC) Research Centre for Injury Prevention and Athlete Health Protection, where he is helping to develop a hand unit that is the benchmark in the region for the treatment of sports injuries to the wrist and hand. He has also been appointed Assistant Professor of Clinical Orthopaedic Surgery at Weill Cornell Medicine. Prior to joining Mediclinic, Dr Bernard Lallemand moved to the United Arab Emirates at the end of 2019 to join the DxBone centre of excellence.
He is also an active member of many international societies, including the American Society for Surgery of the Hand, the Federation of European Societies for Surgery of the Hand and the International Wrist Arthroscopy Society. Dr Bernard Lallemand has authored or co-authored over 50 journal articles and book chapters and has presented over 200 courses, conferences, workshops and training courses worldwide. He was also Associate Editor of Orthopaedics & Traumatology: Surgery & Research (OTSR), the official journal of the Société française de chirurgie orthopédique et traumatologique (SoFCOT), and reviewer for international journals.